Health and Wellness Solutions
These are some of Cynthia's favorite resources designed to support you on your wellness journey.
Juice Plus (Nutrition) Free Child's Order cynthianewland.juiceplus.com
CRUNCHI (Beauty and Skincare) $10 Off crunchi.com/cynthianewland
Branch Basics (Non-Toxic Cleaning Products) $10 Off http://branchbasics.refr.cc/cynthianewland


A Hydration Tracker for Your Favorite Water Bottle
A fun and easy way to keep track of your optimal daily water intake to stay hydrated.
Be Inspired: Hydra-Ties are a positive way to challenge yourself and others to commit to a more healthy lifestyle!

How it Works
All of the elastic bands easily slide onto your bottle for set up. The top wider band remains as the base. Then you slide off a lower band, one by one with every full bottle you consume. Refill, drink, slide off another band, and repeat until you reach your determined hydration goal. The band system is motivating and helps you to assess your progress and meet your hydration goal for the day.

Body, Soul, & Spirit