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Keith Ghilino
Keith Ghilino

Credit Wizard V1 1 B1 Download !!EXCLUSIVE!!

The information listed here was verified to work for all Bank of America clients. You can call 1-800-933-6262 and ask the CSR to "enable transaction downloading for Quicken (or QuickBooks)". Or self enroll in Quicken via the "Enrolling in Online Banking through Quicken Direct Connect" section at -financial-management-faqs.go. There may be a $9.95 monthly charge for this convenience for consumer customers. But the fee is waived for me because I have monthly direct deposit. Once enabled, you can download transactions for all the accounts that are linked in your online banking. Other information you may need to set up the OFX Direct Connect is BankID = "121000358". --DS 14:08, 5 December 2006 (EST) As of 2007-10-29 direct connect is not available in WA and ID, it should function in all other states.

Credit Wizard V1 1 B1 Download


Additional settings:Open the AqBanking wizard, and edit or create a new user on the Users tab. Select the OFX tab and make sure the "Expert Settings" section includes:APPID: QWINAPPVER: 2300Without these, GnuCash could not connect. After setting these values, success. Last checked 2009-10-22. HTH, Eiríkr 06:10, 23 October 2009 (UTC)

Some additional settings:In some cases the normal UID and Bank ID settings may not work. Also, the Checking Routing number (printed on checks) may not work as the Bank ID setting.It may be possible to get the correct values by manually downloading an OFX file from you BofA account, save it as a file, then view it using a text editor. Try using the UID and BANK ID settings located in the header, sometimes these have been shown to work. As indicated above - APPID and APPVER were also required.

The information listed here was verified to work for BofA California. It will most likely work with BoA accounts in other States. You need to call 1-800-792-0808 and ask the CSR to "enable transaction downloading in Quicken". There may be a $9.95 monthly charge for this convenience for consumer customers. But the fee is waived for me because I have monthly direct deposit. Once enabled, you can download transactions for all the accounts that are linked in your online banking. Other information you may need to set up the OFX Direct Connect is BankID = "121000358". --DS 14:08, 5 December 2006 (EST) As of 2007-10-29 direct connect is not available in WA and ID, it should function in all other states.

Customer service states that Capital One does not support Direct Connect services for credit card accounts (as of 6/15/09). However, a manual download of transactions from the web browser online access in ofx format, and subsequent import into GnuCash, is possible and works well.

I have been able to access a Schwab Brokerage account with the following settings:FID: 5104; ORG: ISC; Broker ID:; Server URL: [ _dev/ofx_server](Some of this info came from: [6])Using this connection setup I can connect and download the correct account numbers in aqbanking druid. However when I try to download balance or transaction info from the Gnucash account register, the download appears to run, logs "success," but then Gnucash crashes. --Jdbosmaus 01:38, 21 February 2008 (EST)

Open the account you just set up for online banking and do a test. Go to the actions menu, and then go to Online Actions, and select Get Transactions or Get Balance.For me at this point GnuCash said "No user assigned to this account please check your configuration." I think this is either a problem with GnuCash 2.4.10 (I'm running Windows 7 64 bit) or with AqBanking wizard or something, because we assigned a user in a previous step. See _up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2#.22No_user_assigned_to_this_account._Please_check_your_configuration.22_Error to fix this problem.

Select the Accounts tab on the AQBanking Setup dialog. Your accounts should be listed. Edit each one in turn and make sure that each is set to the correct user and has the right bank code (it's 314074269). When you're happy with all of the accounts close the AQBanking Setup dialog and click Next on the wizard. Assign each account to its GnuCash equivalent. Click next, then Apply. You're done with setup.

Extensive (and probably near-complete) OFX DirectConnect information can also be auto-downloaded to your computer from a major accounting software provider's web archives by using the script found at This script uses the programs curl, xmllint and tidy (on Debian/Ubuntu aptitude install curl tidy). If you don't have these programs installed, the error messages are cryptic, so if it is not working first verify you have curl and tidy installed.

Once the files are downloaded, you will have a "fidata" zip file. Unpack it, and inside you will find three xml files (if you have all three dependant programs, as listed on the webpage), bank.xml, brokerage.xml and creditcard.xml. Open the one you want to search an institution for (such as in Firefox), search for your bank's name. Within that xml listing, you will find it's "," which corresponds to the xml file number under the "fi" directory you will see alongside these three main xml files.

If you are curious to explore other capabilities of the wizard, feel free to download an evaluation version of the Ultimate Suite below which includes this as well as 60 more time saving add-ins for Excel.

Log into your Ubuntu 22.04 server. Then download the NextCloud zip archive onto your server. The latest stable version is 24.0.0 at the time of this writing. Go to and click download for server -> Archive file to see the latest version.

Update as of September 2019: Since June 2019 most of IEX feeds require a special user key - either free or subscription based - that may be obtained here. On its absence, Deriscope will alert you with detailed instructions on how to acquire the key and how to enter it in Deriscope's Excel wizard. Note that live stock prices are still accessible without the need of a key through the IEX Tops service, as described further below.

Deriscope comes with an integrated wizard in the form of a dedicated Excel taskpane as shown below that helps you generate various spreadsheet formulas, for example those required to fetch live feeds from IEX.

You can easily let the wizard generate and paste the formulas required for receiving historical data by clicking on the Tools button and choosing the appropriate menu items, as shown in this picture, where the wizard has been temporarily transferred to the left so that the cascading menu items do not overlap with each other:

Cell A1 contains the formula =dsLive(A2) that returns the text &Variant_A1:1.1, which is the handle name of an object that lives in Excel's memory and contains the historical data received from IEX. If you select cell A1 this object's contents become visible inside the wizard, as the previous image demonstrates. As you see, the received data comprise 12 columns labeled Time, change, changeOverTime, changePercent, close, high, label, low, open, unadjustedVolume, volume and vwap.

This formula has returned the text &HistIEX_A2:1.2, which is the handle name of the object containing the specifications of a particular request formatted as a collection of key-value pairs. The input range A3:B18 contains these key-value pairs, whereby the keys are all on the left column and contain the = suffix, while the respective values are on the right column. The wizard on the right displays the contents of the created request object. For example, the key-value pair Symbols= MSFT indicates the request applies to the MSFT ticker alone. The meaning of most of the keys should be obvious, but at any case their exact definition is displayed at the bottom of the wizard as soon as the containing cell is selected.

Deriscope provides special formulas that take a handle name, such as the &Variant_A1:1.1, as input and return a selected portion of its contents in the spreadsheet. There is no need to memorize these formulas because the wizard can generate and paste the correct formula for you. The following video shows how to use the wizard to create an array formula that display the portion of the object's data consisting of the left 3 columns and top 4 rows:

Apart from historical data, you can instruct the wizard to generate a formula that fetches on demand live data from the IEX server and outputs them in the spreadsheet. The following image shows the required menu selections:

The function returns the text &LiveIEX, which is the handle name of an object that contains information about the current status of the live engine. If you select cell A1 this object's contents become visible inside the wizard, as the previous image demonstrates.

Cell A1 contains the formula =dsLive(A2) that returns the text &Variant_A1:4.1, which is the handle name of an object that lives in Excel's memory and contains the data received from IEX. If you select cell A1 this object's contents become visible inside the wizard, as the previous image demonstrates. The received data comprise 2 columns and 40 rows - of which only the top 15 are visible here.

, which shows the existence of 2 bids, the "top" one at $94.58 for 250 shares and a "deeper" one at $93 for 100 shares. This can be brought to the spreadsheet too, through a special Deriscope formula that the wizard generates as follows:

You can download from the Deriscope download site a special spreadsheet that allows you to enter BUY and SELL simulated orders on the actual real time bid/ask quotes from IEX. Your P&L that results from these simulated transactions is shown so that you can test if you are able to achieve a consistent profit under real and current market conditions, before you start trading with real money. 350c69d7ab


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